How Physical Therapy In Houston Helps with TMJ Symptoms?

 The Temporomandibular Joint, often known as TMJ, is the joint that joins your jaw to your skull. The jaw and surrounding tissues may experience pain and discomfort due to TMJ dysfunction. Physical therapy is a non-invasive method of tmj treatment houston that has been shown to reduce discomfort and enhance jaw function successfully. The effectiveness of physical therapy in treating TMJ issues will be discussed in this article.

Physical Therapy for TMJ Symptoms 

Knowledge Of Tmj Disorder

TMJ problems can cause a number of symptoms, including jaw pain, popping or clicking sounds while opening or closing the mouth, trouble eating, headaches, and even earaches. Teeth grinding, jaw clenching, stress, or injury to the jaw joint are just a few of the causes.

Physical Therapy's Function

A tailored treatment plan is used in physical therapy for TMJ conditions in order to cater to each patient's unique demands and symptoms. Physical therapy works to ease pain, enhance jaw mobility, and strengthen the muscles around the jaw. A licenced physical therapist or tmj specialist houston will carry out an in-depth evaluation to determine the underlying reasons for TMJ issues.

Rehabilitation Exercises

Physical therapists use different therapy activities to enhance jaw function and reduce TMJ symptoms. These exercises aid in lowering stress and improving flexibility by stretching and strengthening the muscles surrounding the jaw joint. Additionally, therapists could instruct clients in relaxation strategies to avoid teeth grinding and clenching, which can exacerbate TMJ symptoms.

Manual Treatment

Muscle tension can be reduced, and the jaw's correct alignment can be restored using manual treatment methods, including massage and jaw joint manipulation. These manual methods enhance blood flow and lower inflammation in the troubled area.

Cold And Heat Therapy

TMJ problem discomfort and inflammation can be lessened by applying heat or ice to the jaw area. In order to relieve pain and encourage healing, a physical therapist or best rated dentist near me may include these modalities in the therapy plan.

Correction Of Posture

TMJ issues might be exacerbated by poor posture. Physical therapists will treat any jaw-related postural problems and suggest exercises to enhance overall posture, which can help with TMJ symptoms.

Education Of Patients

Education is essential for tmj treatment in houston. Patients will learn good jaw mechanics from physical therapists, as well as bad habits to break (such as excessive gum chewing or nail biting) and lifestyle modifications to lessen stress on the jaw joint.

Use Of Mouthguards Or Splints

In some circumstances, physical therapists could advise wearing mouthguards or splints to support the jaw joint and relieve pressure. These tools can lessen the effects of teeth clenching and grinding, which are frequent causes of TMJ symptoms.


Using safe and efficient physical therapy can help with TMJ issues. Physical therapists can assist people with TMJ disease to improve jaw function, reduce discomfort, and enhance general well-being through therapeutic exercises, manual treatment, heat and cold therapy, and patient education. If you have any TMJ problems, talk to a physical therapist or find a dentist near me to create a customised treatment plan that will relieve your symptoms and enhance your quality of life. Keep in mind that prompt treatment and early intervention can greatly reduce TMJ symptoms and aid in your return to normal jaw comfort and function.


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